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Ralph Pfremmer

Senior Insurance Concepts - Are Medicare calls out of hand?

Senior Insurance Concepts specializes is helping people make healthcare choices who are on or joining Medicare.

Are Medicare Calls out of Hand
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Are you receiving calls prior to 8 am or after 9 pm? Are you on the DNC list but still receive calls? - Take a look at her colorful FACT FILLED communique on What's allowed, and What's NOT. Stacy Haberstroh MA, GCM gets it right when presenting on the challenges seniors face, especially when the phone rings off the hook.

Are Medicare calls out of hand?
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We at the St. Louis Care Alliance are lucky to have a member so knowledgeable and with such willingness to help others navigate a complex system. That's why the Alliance is where you look first, for Best-in-class providers.

Stacy reminds us that the Medicare “Annual Enrollment Period” will run from 10/15 through 12/7/2023. Please contact us today if you want to set up a no cost consultation.



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